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Title [English] ![]() ![]() | Original title ![]() ![]() | Year (of publication) ![]() ![]() | Author ![]() ![]() | Country ![]() ![]() |
Colonial Report: North Borneo 1955 | Colonial Report: North Borneo 1955 | 1956 | HM Stationery Office | North Borneo, Sabah |
Colonial Report: North Borneo 1956 | Colonial Report: North Borneo 1956 | 1957 | HM Stationery Office | North Borneo, Sabah |
Colonial Report: North Borneo 1957 | Colonial Report: North Borneo 1957 | 1958 | HM Stationery Office | North Borneo, Sabah |
Colonial Report: North Borneo 1958 | Colonial Report: North Borneo 1958 | 1959 | HM Stationery Office | North Borneo, Sabah |
Colonial Report: North Borneo 1959 | Colonial Report: North Borneo 1959 | 1960 | HM Stationery Office | North Borneo, Sabah |
Colonial Report: North Borneo 1960 | Colonial Report: North Borneo 1960 | 1961 | HM Stationery Office | North Borneo, Sabah |
Commercial Report by Her Majesty's Acting Agent and Consul-General in Siam | Commercial Report by Her Majesty's Acting Agent and Consul-General in Siam | 1883 | British Consul, Bangkok | Siam |
Commercial Report by Her Majesty's Acting Consul in Siam | Commercial Report by Her Majesty's Acting Consul in Siam | 1886 | British Consul, Bangkok | Siam |
Commercial Report by Her Majesty's Agent and Consul-General in Siam | Commercial Report by Her Majesty's Agent and Consul-General in Siam | 1884 | British Consul-General, Bangkok | Siam |
Commercial Report by Her Majesty's Agent and Consul-General in Siam | Commercial Report by Her Majesty's Agent and Consul-General in Siam | 1881 | British Consul, Bangkok | Siam |
Commercial Report by Her Majesty's Agent and Consul-General in Siam | Commercial Report by Her Majesty's Agent and Consul-General in Siam | 1882 | British Consul, Bangkok | Siam |
Commercial Report by Her Majesty's Consul-General in Siam | Commercial Report by Her Majesty's Consul-General in Siam | 1874 | British Consul, Bangkok | Siam |
Commercial Report by Her Majesty's Consul-General in Siam | Commercial Report by Her Majesty's Consul-General in Siam | 1875 | British Consul, Bangkok | Siam |
Commercial Report by Her Majesty's Consul-General in Siam | Commercial Report by Her Majesty's Consul-General in Siam | 1876 | British Consul, Bangkok | Siam |
Commercial Report by Her Majesty's Consul-General in Siam | Commercial Report by Her Majesty's Consul-General in Siam | 1878 | British Consul, Bangkok | Siam |
Commercial Report by Her Majesty's Consul-General in Siam | Commercial Report by Her Majesty's Consul-General in Siam | 1879 | British Consul, Bangkok | Siam |
Commercial Report by the Acting British Consul-General in Siam | Commercial Report by the Acting British Consul-General in Siam | 1880 | British Consul, Bangkok | Siam |
Commercial Report from Her Majesty's Consul-General in Siam | Commercial Report from Her Majesty's Consul-General in Siam | 1871 | British Consul, Bangkok | Siam |
Commercial Report from Her Majesty's Consul-General in Siam | Commercial Report from Her Majesty's Consul-General in Siam | 1872 | British Consul, Bangkok | Siam |
Commercial Report from Her Majesty's Consul-General in Siam | Commercial Report from Her Majesty's Consul-General in Siam | 1873 | British Consul, Bangkok | Siam |
Commercial Reports by Her Majesty's Minister Resident and Consul-General in Siam | Commercial Reports by Her Majesty's Minister Resident and Consul-General in Siam | 1885 | British Consul-General, Bangkok | Siam |
Commercial Reports from Her Majesty's Consuls in China and Siam | Commercial Reports from Her Majesty's Consuls in China and Siam | 1865 | British Consul, Bangkok | Siam |
Commercial Reports from Her Majesty's Consuls in China and Siam | Commercial Reports from Her Majesty's Consuls in China and Siam | 1869 | British Consul, Bangkok | Siam |
Commercial Reports from Her Majesty's Consuls in China and Siam | Commercial Reports from Her Majesty's Consuls in China and Siam | 1870 | British Consul, Bangkok | Siam |
Commercial Reports from Her Majesty's Consuls in China, Japan, and Siam | Commercial Reports from Her Majesty's Consuls in China, Japan and Siam | 1866 | British Consul, Bangkok | Siam |
Commercial Reports from Her Majesty's Consuls in China, Japan, and Siam | Commercial Reports from Her Majesty's Consuls in China, Japan, and Siam | 1868 | British Consul, Bangkok | Siam |
Commercial Reports from Her Majesty's Consuls in China, Japan, and Siam | Commercial Reports from Her Majesty's Consuls in China, Japan and Siam | 1867 | British Consul, Bangkok | Siam |
Diplomatic and Consular Report - Siam - Bangkok | Diplomatic and Consular Report - Siam - Bangkok | 1902 | British Consulular Assistant, Bangkok | Siam |
Diplomatic and Consular Report - Siam - Chiengmai | Diplomatic and Consular Report - Siam - Chiengmai | 1902 | British Consul, Chiang Mai | Siam |
Economic development of colonial Indonesia in numbers and graphs | Mededeeling van het Centraal Kantoor voor de Statistiek No.167 - De Economische Ontwikkeling van Nederlandsch-Indië in Cijfers en Grafieken | 1939 | Central Bureau of Statistics, Department of Economic Affairs | Indonesia |
Foreign Trade and Navigation of the Port of Bangkok | Foreign Trade and Navigation of the Port of Bangkok | 1912 | Statistical Office, HMS Customs | Siam |
Foreign Trade and Navigation of the Port of Bangkok | Foreign Trade and Navigation of the Port of Bangkok | 1913 | Statistical Office, HMS Customs | Siam |
Foreign Trade and Navigation of the Port of Bangkok | Foreign Trade and Navigation of the Port of Bangkok | 1908 | Statistical Office, HMS Customs | Siam |
Foreign Trade and Navigation of the Port of Bangkok | Foreign Trade and Navigation of the Port of Bangkok | 1909 | Statistical Office, HMS Customs | Siam |
Foreign Trade and Navigation of the Port of Bangkok | Foreign Trade and Navigation of the Port of Bangkok | 1910 | Statistical Office, HMS Customs | Siam |
Foreign trade statistics Java 1823-1873 | Mededeeling van het Centraal Kantoor voor de Statistiek No.160 - Handelsstatistiek Java 1823-1873 | 1939 | Central Bureau of Statistics, Department of Economic Affairs | Indonesia |
Foreign trade statistics Netherlands Indies 1874-1937 | Mededeeling van het Centraal Kantoor voor de Statistiek No.161 - Handelsstatistiek Nederlandsch-Indië 1874-1937 | 1939 | Central Bureau of Statistics, Department of Economic Affairs | Indonesia |
Handbook of Philippine Statistics 1903-1959 | Handbook of Philippine Statistics 1903-1959 | 1960 | Bureau of the Census and Statistics | Philippines |
Harvested Land and Main Food Crop Production in Java and Madura 1937-1946 | Geoogste Uitgestrektheden en Productie van de Voornaamste Voedingsgewassen op Java en Madoera 1937-1946, Lahan Panen dan Produksi Tanaman Pangan Utama di Djawa dan Madura 1937-1946. | 1947 | Centraal Kantoor voor de Statistiek, Kantor Pusat Statistik | Indonesia |
Historical prices in colonial Indonesia since 1825 | Mededeeling van het Centraal Kantoor voor de Statistiek No.166 - Historische Prijzen in Ned. Indië sedert 1825 | 1939 | Central Bureau of Statistics, Department of Economic Affairs | Indonesia |
League of Nations, Balance of Payments of French Indochina 1934-1937 | League of Nations, Balance of Payments of French Indochina 1934-1937 | 1938 | League of Nations | Indochina |
Malayan Agriculture Handbook 1922 | Malayan Agriculture Handbook 1922 | 1922 | Department of Agriculture, FMS & SS | Malaya, Straits Settlements |
Malaysia Economic Statistics - Time Series 2019 | Perangkanaan Ekonomi Malaysia - Siri Masa 2019 | 2020 | Jabatan Perangkaan Malaysia (Department of Statistics, Malaysia) | Malaysia |
Malaysia Economic Statistics Time Series 2015 | Perangkaan Ekonomi Malaysia Siri Masa 2015 | 2015 | Jabatan Perangkaan Malaysia (Department of Statistics, Malaysia) | Malaysia |
Manual of Statistics relating to the Federated Malay States 1908 | Manual of Statistics relating to the Federated Malay States 1908 | 1908 | Federated Malay States Government | Malaya, Straits Settlements |
Multi-Year Overview of Import and Export of Indonesia, 1936-1941 and 1946-1949 | Ichtisar Impor dan Ekspor Indonesisia Mengenai Beberapa Tahun - Meerjarige Overzichten van de In- en Uitvoer van Indonesië 1936-1941 and 1946-1949 | 1947 | Centraal Kantoor voor de Statistiek, Kantor Pusat Statistik | Indonesia |
NEDA Statistical Yearbook of the Philippines 1975 | NEDA Statistical Yearbook of the Philippines 1975 | 1975 | National Economic and Development Authority, Republic of The Philippines | Philippines |
NEDA Statistical Yearbook of the Philippines 1976 | NEDA Statistical Yearbook of the Philippines 1976 | 1976 | National Economic and Development Authority, Republic of The Philippines | Philippines |
Note on the commercial development of Indochina from 1897 to 1901 (in comparison with 1892-1896) | Note sur le développement commercial de l'Indochine de 1897 à 1901 (en comparaison avec la période quinquennale 1892-1896) | 1902 | Bernier, Henri | Indochina |
Official Communications about the Import and Export Trade of Siam | Officiëele Mededeelingen betreffende den In- en Uitvoerhandel van Siam | 1901 | G.W. Hartlaub, Consul-General of Siam in Rotterdam | Siam |
Philippine Statistical Yearbook 1984 | Philippine Statistical Yearbook 1984 | 1984 | National Economic and Development Authority, Republic of The Philippines | Philippines |
Philippine Statistical Yearbook 1985 | Philippine Statistical Yearbook 1985 | 1985 | National Economic and Development Authority, Republic of The Philippines | Philippines |
Philippine Statistical Yearbook 1987 | Philippine Statistical Yearbook 1987 | 1987 | National Economic and Development Authority, Republic of The Philippines | Philippines |
Philippine Yearbook 1951-52 (statistics) | Philippine Yearbook 1951-52 (statistics) | 1952 | The Herald - DMHM | Philippines |
Report on the Commercial Situation in Siam | Report on the Commercial Situation in Siam | 1920 | British Consul-General, Bangkok | Siam |
Report on the Netherlands Indies 1931 – Statistical Abstract of the Netherlands Indies 1930 | Indisch Verslag 1931: Statistisch Jaaroverzicht van Nederlandsch-Indië 1930 | 1931 | Centraal Kantoor voor de Statistiek, Departement van Landbouw, Nijverheid and Handel | Indonesia |
Report on the Netherlands Indies 1932 – Statistical Abstract of the Netherlands Indies 1931 | Indisch Verslag 1932: Statistisch Jaaroverzicht van Nederlandsch-Indië 1931 | 1932 | Centraal Kantoor voor de Statistiek, Departement van Landbouw, Nijverheid and Handel | Indonesia |
Report on the Netherlands Indies 1933 – Statistical Abstract of the Netherlands Indies 1932 | Indisch Verslag 1933: Statistisch Jaaroverzicht van Nederlandsch-Indië 1932 | 1933 | Centraal Kantoor voor de Statistiek, Departement van Landbouw, Nijverheid and Handel | Indonesia |
Report on the Netherlands Indies 1934 – Statistical Abstract of the Netherlands Indies 1933 | Indisch Verslag 1934: Statistisch Jaaroverzicht van Nederlandsch-Indië 1933 | 1934 | Centraal Kantoor voor de Statistiek, Departement van Economische Zaken | Indonesia |
Report on the Netherlands Indies 1935 – Statistical Abstract of the Netherlands Indies 1934 | Indisch Verslag 1935: Statistisch Jaaroverzicht van Nederlandsch-Indië 1934 | 1935 | Centraal Kantoor voor de Statistiek, Departement van Economische Zaken | Indonesia |