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Title Year Author 
Escaping the periphery: The East Asian ‘mystery’ solved2018Robert Wade
Long-term Trends in Gross Domestic Expenditure in Indonesia: Provisional Estimates2019Pierre van der Eng
The rural transformation of the two rice bowls of Vietnam: the making of a new Asian miracle economy?2019Montserrat Lopez Jerez
Bibliography of Statistical Sources on Southeast Asia c.1750-19901990Brewster, Jennifer and Booth, Anne
Challenging the de‐industrialization thesis: gender and indigenous textile production in Java under Dutch colonial rule, c. 1830–19202017Elise van Nederveen Meerkerk
Explaining a ‘development miracle’: poverty reduction and human development in Malaysia since the 1970s2019M Niaz Asadullah; Norma Mansor; Antonio Savoia
Female Labour Force Participation in Indonesia: Why Has It Stalled2018Lisa Cameron; Diana Contreras Suárez
Is structural transformation-led economic growth immiserising or inclusive? The case of Indonesia2018Kyunghoon Kim; Andy Sumner; Arief Anshory Yusuf
Nationalism and development in Asia2018Duara Prasenjit
Poverty and inequality in Asia: 1965-20142018Wan Guanghua; Wang Chen
Pro-poor growth in Indonesia: Challenging the pessimism of Myrdal’s Asian Drama2018Peter Timmer
Six development paths in Southeast Asia: Three plus three2018Manuel Montes
The impact of commercialization of rice on household welfare in rural Viet Nam2018Andy McKay, Chiara Cazzuffi; Emilie Perge
The Role of Electricity Prices in Structural Transformation: Evidence from the Philippines2019Majah-Leah V. Ravago; Arlan Zandro I. Brucal; James Roumasset; Jan Carlo Punongbayan
The state and development2018Peter Evans; Patrick Heller
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