Index of documents
94 documents
- Commercial Reports from Her Majesty's Consuls in China and Siam
year of publication: 1865
period covered: 1864 to 1864
download link: Siam British consul report 1864.pdf - Commercial Reports from Her Majesty's Consuls in China, Japan, and Siam
year of publication: 1866
period covered: 1865 to 1865
download link: Siam British consul report 1865.pdf - Commercial Reports from Her Majesty's Consuls in China, Japan, and Siam
year of publication: 1867
period covered: 1866 to 1866
download link: Siam British consul report 1866 (1867).pdf - Commercial Reports from Her Majesty's Consuls in China, Japan, and Siam
year of publication: 1868
period covered: 1867 to 1867
download link: Siam British consul report 1867 (1868).pdf - Commercial Reports from Her Majesty's Consuls in China and Siam
year of publication: 1869
period covered: 1868 to 1868
download link: Siam British consul report 1868 (1869).pdf - Commercial Reports from Her Majesty's Consuls in China and Siam
year of publication: 1870
period covered: 1869 to 1869
download link: Siam British consul report 1869 (1870).pdf - Commercial Report from Her Majesty's Consul-General in Siam
year of publication: 1871
period covered: 1870 to 1870
download link: Siam British consul report 1870 (1871).pdf - Commercial Report from Her Majesty's Consul-General in Siam
year of publication: 1872
period covered: 1871 to 1871
download link: Siam British consul report 1871 (1872).pdf - Commercial Report from Her Majesty's Consul-General in Siam
year of publication: 1873
period covered: 1872 to 1872
download link: Siam British consul report 1872 (1873).pdf - Commercial Report by Her Majesty's Consul-General in Siam
year of publication: 1874
period covered: 1873 to 1873
download link: Siam British consul report 1873 (1874).pdf - Commercial Report by Her Majesty's Consul-General in Siam
year of publication: 1875
period covered: 1874 to 1874
download link: Siam British consul report 1874 (1875).pdf - Commercial Report by Her Majesty's Consul-General in Siam
year of publication: 1876
period covered: 1875 to 1875
download link: Siam British consul report 1875 (1876).pdf - Commercial Report by Her Majesty's Consul-General in Siam
year of publication: 1878
period covered: 1876 to 1877
download link: Siam British consul report 1876-77 (1878).pdf - Commercial Report by Her Majesty's Consul-General in Siam
year of publication: 1879
period covered: 1878 to 1878
download link: Siam British consul report 1878 (1879).pdf - Commercial Report by the Acting British Consul-General in Siam
year of publication: 1880
period covered: 1879 to 1879
download link: Siam British consul report 1879 (1880).pdf - Commercial Report by Her Majesty's Agent and Consul-General in Siam
year of publication: 1881
period covered: 1880 to 1880
download link: Siam British consul report 1880 (1881).pdf - Commercial Report by Her Majesty's Agent and Consul-General in Siam
year of publication: 1882
period covered: 1881 to 1881
download link: Siam British consul report 1881 (1882).pdf - Commercial Report by Her Majesty's Acting Agent and Consul-General in Siam
year of publication: 1883
period covered: 1882 to 1882
download link: Siam British consul report 1882 (1883).pdf - Commercial Report by Her Majesty's Agent and Consul-General in Siam
year of publication: 1884
period covered: 1883 to 1883
download link: Siam British consul report 1883 (1884).pdf - Commercial Reports by Her Majesty's Minister Resident and Consul-General in Siam
year of publication: 1885
period covered: 1884 to 1884
download link: Siam British consul report 1884 (1885).pdf - Commercial Report by Her Majesty's Acting Consul in Siam
year of publication: 1886
period covered: 1885 to 1885
download link: Siam British consul report 1885 (1886).pdf - Official Communications about the Import and Export Trade of Siam
year of publication: 1901
period covered: 1900 to 1900
download link: Siam foreign trade statistics 1900.pdf - Diplomatic and Consular Report - Siam - Bangkok
year of publication: 1902
period covered: 1901 to 1901
download link: Siam British consul report 1901 (1902) Bangkok.pdf - Diplomatic and Consular Report - Siam - Chiengmai
year of publication: 1902
period covered: 1901 to 1901
download link: Siam British consul report 1901 (1902) Chiengmai.pdf - Foreign Trade and Navigation of the Port of Bangkok
year of publication: 1908
period covered: 1906 to 1907
download link: Siam foreign trade statistics 1906-07 and 1907-08 (1908).pdf - Foreign Trade and Navigation of the Port of Bangkok
year of publication: 1909
period covered: 1907 to 1908
download link: Siam foreign trade statistics 1907-08 and 1908-09 (1909).pdf - Foreign Trade and Navigation of the Port of Bangkok
year of publication: 1910
period covered: 1908 to 1909
download link: Siam foreign trade statistics 1908-09 and 1909-10 (1910).pdf - Foreign Trade and Navigation of the Port of Bangkok
year of publication: 1912
period covered: 1910 to 1911
download link: Siam foreign trade statistics 1910-11 and 1911-12 (1913).pdf - Foreign Trade and Navigation of the Port of Bangkok
year of publication: 1913
period covered: 1911 to 1912
download link: Siam foreign trade statistics 1911-12 and 1912-13 (1914).pdf - Statistical Year Book of the Kingdom of Siam 1916
year of publication: 1916
period covered: 1894 to 1916
download link: 1916 Statistical Yearbook Siam.pdf - Statistical Year Book of the Kingdom of Siam 1917
year of publication: 1917
period covered: 1894 to 1917 - Statistical Year Book of the Kingdom of Siam 1919
year of publication: 1919
period covered: 1894 to 1919 - Report on the Commercial Situation in Siam
year of publication: 1920
period covered: 1918 to 1919
download link: Siam British consul report 1919.pdf - Statistical Year Book of the Kingdom of Siam 1920
year of publication: 1920
period covered: 1894 to 1920 - Statistical Year Book of the Kingdom of Siam 1921
year of publication: 1921
period covered: 1894 to 1921 - Statistical Year Book of the Kingdom of Siam 1922
year of publication: 1922
period covered: 1894 to 1922 - Statistical Year Book of the Kingdom of Siam 1923
year of publication: 1923
period covered: 1894 to 1923 - Statistical Year Book of the Kingdom of Siam 1924
year of publication: 1924
period covered: 1897 to 1924 - Statistical Year Book of the Kingdom of Siam 1924-25
year of publication: 1925
period covered: 1897 to 1925 - Statistical Year Book of the Kingdom of Siam 1925-26
year of publication: 1926
period covered: 1897 to 1926 - Statistical Year Book of the Kingdom of Siam 1927-28
year of publication: 1928
period covered: 1923 to 1928 - Statistical Year Book of the Kingdom of Siam 1928-29
year of publication: 1929
period covered: 1920 to 1929 - Statistical Year Book of the Kingdom of Siam 1929-30
year of publication: 1930
period covered: 1925 to 1930 - Statistical Year Book of the Kingdom of Siam 1931-33
year of publication: 1933
period covered: 1928 to 1933 - Statistical Year Book of the Kingdom of Siam 1933-35
year of publication: 1935
period covered: 1930 to 1935 - Statistical Year Book - Siam 1935-36 and 1936-37
year of publication: 1937
period covered: 1932 to 1937 - Statistical Year Book Thailand 1937-38 & 1938-39
year of publication: 1939
period covered: 1934 to 1939 - Statistical Year Book Thailand 1939-40 to 1944
year of publication: 1944
period covered: 1939 to 1944 - Statistical Year Book Thailand 1945-55 (Volume I)
year of publication: 1955
period covered: 1945 to 1955 - Statistical Year Book Thailand 1945-55 (Volume II)
year of publication: 1955
period covered: 1945 to 1955 - Statistical Year Book Thailand 1956 to 1958
year of publication: 1958
period covered: 1956 to 1958 - Statistical Yearbook Thailand 1963
year of publication: 1963
period covered: 1953 to 1963 - Statistical Yearbook Thailand 1964
year of publication: 1964
period covered: 1954 to 1964 - Statistical Yearbook Thailand 1965
year of publication: 1965
period covered: 1960 to 1965 - Statistical Yearbook Thailand 1966
year of publication: 1966
period covered: 1955 to 1966 - Statistical Yearbook Thailand 1967-69
year of publication: 1969
period covered: 1958 to 1969 - Statistical Yearbook Thailand 1970-71
year of publication: 1971
period covered: 1964 to 1971 - Statistical Yearbook Thailand 1972-73
year of publication: 1973
period covered: 1966 to 1973 - Statistical Yearbook Thailand 1974-75
year of publication: 1975
period covered: 1965 to 1975 - Statistical Yearbook Thailand 1976-80
year of publication: 1980
period covered: 1975 to 1980 - Statistical Yearbook Thailand 1981-84
year of publication: 1984
period covered: 1978 to 1984 - Statistical Yearbook Thailand 1985-86
year of publication: 1986
period covered: 1980 to 1986 - Statistical Yearbook Thailand 1987-88
year of publication: 1988
period covered: 1983 to 1988 - Statistical Yearbook Thailand 1989
year of publication: 1989
period covered: 1984 to 1989 - Statistical Yearbook Thailand 1990
year of publication: 1990
period covered: 1985 to 1990 - Statistical Yearbook Thailand 1991
year of publication: 1991
period covered: 1986 to 1991 - Statistical Yearbook Thailand 1992
year of publication: 1992
period covered: 1987 to 1992 - Statistical Yearbook Thailand 1993
year of publication: 1993
period covered: 1988 to 1993 - Statistical Yearbook Thailand 1994
year of publication: 1994
period covered: 1989 to 1994 - Statistical Yearbook Thailand 1995
year of publication: 1995
period covered: 1990 to 1995 - Statistical Yearbook Thailand 1996
year of publication: 1996
period covered: 1991 to 1996 - Statistical Yearbook of Thailand 1997
year of publication: 1997
period covered: 1992 to 1997 - Statistical Yearbook Thailand 1998
year of publication: 1998
period covered: 1993 to 1998 - Statistical Yearbook Thailand 1999
year of publication: 1999
period covered: 1994 to 1999 - Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2003
year of publication: 2003
period covered: 1998 to 2003 - Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2004
year of publication: 2005
period covered: 1999 to 2004
download link: Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2004 (2005).pdf - Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2006
year of publication: 2006
period covered: 2001 to 2006 - Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2007 (Special Edition)
year of publication: 2007
period covered: 2002 to 2007 - Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2008
year of publication: 2008
period covered: 2003 to 2008
download link: Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2008 (2008).pdf - Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2009
year of publication: 2009
period covered: 2006 to 2009 - Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2010
year of publication: 2010
period covered: 2005 to 2010
download link: Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2010 (2010).pdf - Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2011
year of publication: 2011
period covered: 2006 to 2011
download link: Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2011 (2011).pdf - Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2012
year of publication: 2012
period covered: 2009 to 2012 - Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2013
year of publication: 2013
period covered: 2010 to 2013 - Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2014
year of publication: 2014
period covered: 2011 to 2014 - Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2015
year of publication: 2015
period covered: 2012 to 2015 - Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2016
year of publication: 2016
period covered: 2013 to 2016 - Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2017
year of publication: 2017
period covered: 2014 to 2017 - Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2018
year of publication: 2018
period covered: 2015 to 2018 - Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2019
year of publication: 2019
period covered: 2016 to 2019 - Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2020
year of publication: 2020
period covered: 2017 to 2020 - Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2021
year of publication: 2022
period covered: 2018 to 2021 - Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2022
year of publication: 2023
period covered: 2019 to 2022 - Statistical Yearbook Thailand 2023
year of publication: 2023
period covered: 2020 to 2023
Index of working papers
1 documents
- Bibliography of Statistical Sources on Southeast Asia c.1750-1990
year of publication: 1990
download link: Brewster & Booth (1990) bibliography SEAsia2.pdf